Terms & Conditions
- Website editor
In accordance with the provisions of 6 III -1 of the law n° 2004-575 of 24th June 2004 regarding trust in the digital economy, please be advised that this site is the property of the company Praexo, a Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS) with a share capital of 269.828 euros, entered on the Paris Trade Register under the number 852 598 705.
- Intra-community VAT N° FR23852598705
- Registered office: 39 rue d’Aboukir, 75002 Paris, France
- E-mail address: contact@praexo.com
– Telephone: +33 1 81 70 89 60 or +1 646 4900 517
- Publisher: Guillaume Moinet
This website is operated and managed by the company Praexo.
The website https://praexo.com/ is hosted by OVH, SAS with a capital of 10,174,560 euros, Trade Regsiter of Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045, 2 rue Kellermann – BP 80157, 59100 Roubaix Cedex 1.
- Protection of Personal Data
In accordance with the modified provisions of the information technology and freedom act of 6th January 1978, relating to information technology, data files and civil liberties, the automated processing of personal data collected on this website is subject to a declaration to the CNIL (“Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés”).
Personal data relating to the user are for the company Praexo’s internal usage to ensure the management and delivery of the services offered. Under no circumstances will the company Praexo disclose the personal data to a third party for the purposes of advertising or promotions.
The user is however informed that, in accordance with Article 32 of the Information Technology and Civil Liberties act of 6th January 1978, answers given in forms on the site, particularly ones allowing the user to fill in their contact details to receive documentation or to download brochures, or to subscribe to the services offered on the site, may be used by the company Praexo. The user has a right to access to and rectify this data by writing to: Praexo, 39 rue d’Aboukir – 75002 Paris or by sending the request by email to data.protection@praexo.com.
The company Praexo will only process your personal data for purposes beyond the scope of the internal management of the company if it is faced with a legal requirement (for example, by transferring this data to a court or authorities carrying out criminal investigations) or if you have expressly consented to such a transfer.
Information collected about you is subject to processing exclusively intended for the person responsible for the website’s data processing for the good functioning of the services provided. The data is retained for a period of 5 years. You have a right to access, to rectification, to portability, to erasure of the data or to restrict the processing.
You can oppose the processing of your personal data and possess the right to withdraw your consent at any time by writing either by email or by post to: Praexo, 39 rue d’Aboukir – 75002 Paris or email data.protection@praexo.com
- Copyright
Data published and brands mentioned on https://praexo.com/ are the exclusive property of their respective owners. Therefore, any reproduction in full or in part of these texts, brands and/or logos, based on content from this website without the express consent oftheir owners is prohibited, under the meaning of Article 713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code. Director of publishing: Guillaume Moinet.
- Responsibility
The company Praexo, and all third parties involved in the creation of this website, do not provide any explicit or implicit guarantees, and do not bear any responsibility relating to the usage of this publication. They cannot be held liable in this regard towards a user or another party for direct or indirect, special, particular or related damages arising from the usage of this website or from a website connected to it by a hyperlink. Certain information and data available on the website https://praexo.com/ is produced by third parties. Praexo undertakes to do its best to guarantee a trustworthy, relevant, exact and exhaustive nature, but cannot be held responsible for errors, a lack of information available and/or the presence of a virus on its website. The content of any information sent to Praexo will be considered as non-confidential and free of any rights. Except by prior explicit agreement, the company Praexo may freely use the ideas, concepts, the know-how or the techniques contained in the information sent for any useful purposes, without restrictions, to reproduce or disclose any information to a third party. The content of the pages of the website is only provided for information purposes and does not constitute an offer of sale or canvassing with the intention of proposing specific Praexo products or services.
- Notification of illegal content
In accordance with Article 6-I-7 of the Act dated 21st June 2004, known as LCEN, the company Praexo enables you to notify it of any content likely to fall into the category of the offences stipulated under sub-paragraphs five and eight of Article 24 of the law of 29th July 1881 on press freedom and Article 227-23 of the Criminal Code: apologia for crimes against humanity, inciting racial hatred, child pornography.
To notify of any blatantly illegal content, you can send a letter or email to the addresses mentioned above and stated in this website’s contact details, and specifying:
- the website address or page from which the content is accessible;
- the content considered as illegal;
- the date on which you discovered the content considered as illegal;
- your identity (full name and contact details).