IRO Community links

-26 November, 2021

You will find a listing of IRO community links below. It is important to build your professional network by joining the right IR community. You will find on their website details on memberships. Networkings, trainings are available through their website.

Praexo was born with one objective: to make issuers autonomous and efficient in managing, identifying, and understanding investor’s & shareholder's expectations. In nowadays, customer feedbacks is highly appreciated and are always searching for answers to improve. “We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s’ how we improve”, Bill Gates, Microsoft. Feedbacks are important in a customer journey, although, it seems that this is not applied for IRO. The feedbacks are poor, inexistant and it’s a challenge to collect them; and your broker notes are not what they used to be. Of course, your expectations can be biased based on these factors, and furthermore, relationship are evolving with the pandemic.

This is why we want to help you maximize your time and optimize quality feedbacks through our technology from integrated workflows to theme analysis. We are looking to build a long, strong and transparent accountability to build profiling to improve your equity story and boost your investor engagement.

If you want to speak with us, feel free to reach out here.

Asociación Española para las Relaciones con Inversores _ AERI
Association Française des Investor Relations (CLIFF) 
Association of Bulgarian Investor Relations Directors  (ABIRD)
Associazione Italiana Investor Relations (AIIR)
Australasian Investor Relations Association (AIRA)
Belgian Investor Relations Association (BIRA)
Canadian Investor Relations Institute (CIRI)
Circle for Investor Relations Austria (CIRA)
Dansk Investor Relations Forening (DIRF)
Deutscher Investor Relations Verband e.V. (DIRK)
Financial Communications and Investor Relations Association – Russia (ARFI)
Finnish Investor Relations Society (FIRS)
Global Investor Relations Network (GIRN)
Hong Kong Investor Relations Association (HKIRA)
Instituto Brasileiro de Relacoes com Investidores (IBRI)
Instituto Nacional de relacion con inversionistas (INARI)
Investor Relations Society of the UK (IRS)
IR German club
Japan Investor Relations Association (JIRA
Korea Listed Companies Association (KLCA)
Malaysian Investor Relations Association (MIRA)
Middle East IR Society (MEIRS)
National Investor Relations Institute (NIRI)
Netherlands Society for Investor Relations (NEVIR)
Norsk Investor Relations Forening (NIRF)
Polish Investor Relations Institute (PIRI)
Portuguese IR Association
Romanian IR Association (ARIR)
Singapore (IRPAS)
Swedish Investor Relations Association (SIRA)
Swiss Investor Relations Society (SIRV)
Swiss Society of Investor Relations Agencies (GIRAS)
Taiwan Investor relations institute (TIRI)
The Egyptian Investor Relations Association (EIRA)
Turkish Investor Relations Society (TUYID)
Ukrainian Investor Relations Society (UAIR)
IR club
IR India